Nabil is a Certified Nutritional Therapist and a Detoxification Specialist. He’s also a graduate of Homeopathy from the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, Toronto. He’s passionate about awakening the awareness in practitioners and the public alike to natural health, homeopathy, detoxification and to how mineral imbalances affect both physical and mental health, and helping people in general through evidence-based nutritional guidance.

“There is such a lack of awareness and training in most nutritional and medical programs as to how mineral imbalances affect all aspects of health.

I have a great appreciation for the mind-body-soul connection, and understand the importance both our mind and our gut (and what we feed each) have on our overall well-being.  I believe a healthy body is, at the core, created through both a healthy mindset and proper nutrition. Our diet affects our mental state, while our mental and subconscious programming affects our emotions which in turn affects our physical body. By addressing both, I believe a wide number of health concerns can be resolved and a return to health and vitality achieved.

At the core of my practice, I use my unique background and training in HTMA to first assess, at the mineral level, what is happening in the client’s body. Then I use Nutrition, Detoxification and Homeopathy to bring patients back to health and balance.

Are you curious about how I can help you with your health goals? Let’s talk. Send me a message! (We can work together no matter where you live. All consultations can be done via the phone or Skype and you can mail in your hair sample for the HTMA test.)

I also have a huge passion for singing and music in general and believe that it too can be healing.”  Check out my music!